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Why you should read your medical records

if you don't read your medical records you might not know your diagnosis

A doctor told me verbally "your right eye retina is detaching"

but this is what he wrote to the medical records

"Retinoschisis of questionable progression, looks slight bit progressed will re-eval Monday to see if moving at all"

he never told me the part he wrote.

I asked the same doctor: "how is my left eye?"

his answer: "your left eye is ok"

This is what he wrote to the medical records

"the patient presented to monitor his lattice degeneration in his left eye,

he also has a macular edema"

he never told me I had lattice degeneration

Do you know it is perfectly legal for a doctor to write your diagnosis to the medical records and not tell you?

If I had read my medical records to learn that I had retinoschisis I would have never consented to that surgery

Doctors who write a diagnosis to records but do not provide it verbally put you and your family at risk.

This story highlights the risks of not reading your medical records


Read this article about doctors who won’t tell you your diagnosis


Read this article about why some doctors do not want you to read your medical records


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