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What is patient MalPractice?

not reading your records is "Patient MalPractice".

Doctors writing but not telling is not "Medical MalPractice"

learn more reading my book from amazon


When you do not check what is written in your medical records before agreeing to a surgery or procedure, and you are subjected to an unneeded surgery you have fallen victim to your own "Patient Mal Practice"
It is not illegal for a doctor to write retinoschisis or any diagnosis to the records and not tell you; if you are harmed because of that, you cannot sue him. It’s "Patient Mal Practice"

When you don't look for a second opinion, it is "Patient Mal Practice"

Retinoschisis is the poster boy

When you look for a second opinion without taking your medical records with you and you look for an opinion on what were told (retinal detachment) instead of providing what it was written (retinoschisis-detachment) that is "Patient Mal Practice"

if retinoschisis is written to the medical records and you don't know it how do you stop another doctor from confusing it with a retinal detachment?

“knowing your diagnosis is critical ” (post related to mental illness)


“that is a direct violation of a clear ethical principle “( post related to cancer patients)


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