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Our Mission

  • Retinal Detachment can look exactly like Degenerative Retinoschisis
  • Degenerative Retinoschisis is confused as Retinal Detachment even by experts.
  • Retinal Detachment needs urgent risky surgery in the next 24 hours
  • Degenerative Retinoschisis does not require treatment of any kind

We will show you an example where up to 3 experts misdiagnosed Degenerative Retinoschisis as Retinal detachment and recommended urgent surgery for both eyes of a young man that could have been made blind for no reason.

The young man vision was 20-20 and presenting zero symptoms of any kind.

The goals of this foundation are:

Raise awareness of Degenerative Retinoschisis

Create a law that would require patients scheduled for retinal detachment surgery but that are not presenting any symptoms to be provided a signed reassurance that the doctor is not misdiagnosing a Degenerative Retinoschisis with a Retinal Detachment

Patient Malpractice, what is it?



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