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According to this article no treatment required even when schisis-detachment


I have identified some important quotes from that link:

"We may conclude that the best management in summary is to do nothing except in very rare instances."
"Conclusions? It is recommended that in cases of retinoschisis either without or with breaks, or retinoschisis with localized ‘schisis-detachment’, that prophylactic treatment be withheld except in a very few exceptional cases. In all cases of progressive, symptomatic rhegmatogenous retinal detachment however, prompt surgical treatment should be carried out."
"This absence of symptoms has effectively prevented very many unnecessary operations by surgeons hoping to eradicate or control the disease."
"A 43-year-old woman (Figure 1) had this asymptomatic ‘schisis-detachment’, with retinal breaks in both layers in the superior-temporal quadrant, and was only observed with no change, and without treatment for 2 years."
"A 44-year-old woman (Figure 2) had this asymptomatic mid-peripheral ‘schisis-detachment’ in the superior temporal quadrant, showing a yellow line which marks the outer-layer, which has come forward to lie in apposition to the inner layer as it has detached from the pigment epithelial layer. This was observed with no change in appearance or treatment for 9 and a half years."

This patient had not one but three schisis/detachments. No surgery was done and nothing happened.

"A 57-year-old man (Figure 3) had three separate asymptomatic ‘schisis-detachments’, involving both eyes. This one in the superior temporal quadrant shows a prominent yellow line, marking the position of the outer layer which is also detached. It was observed with no change in appearance or any treatment for 6 years."

Example of “SYMPTOMATIC” schisis detachments that settled without surgery


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