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My Story

My full story is in a book published to titled: “Patient MalPractice:Degenerative Retinoschisis”

03/13/2010: During a routine visit for reading glasses, an optometrist pops the question: "Do you want me to check your retina?", I said yes.
He refers me to a retina specialist for a “possible retinal detachment”. He does not mention Retinoschisis to me, he only talks about the dangers of a retinal detachment.
He wrote:
to the medical records but I am in the dark about Retinoschisis until I requested my medical records more than two years later when it was too late.

Having no symptoms of any kind, I decided not to go to the specialist.

05/09/11: I come back to the same optometrist.
He refers me again to a retina specialist for a “possible retinal detachment”. Again, He does not mention Retinoschisis to me, he only talks about the dangers of a retinal detachment.
He again wrote “Retinoschisis??? to the medical records but I am in the dark until I requested my medical records more than two years later when it was too late.

Having no symptoms of any kind, I decided again not to go to the specialist.

12/21/2012: While doing corneal crosslinking, the cornea doctor checks my retina. He says “there is something there”, I told him that my optometrist has asked me twice in almost three years to check on that but I have not seen any specialist.
Same thing happens, he only talks about the dangers of a retinal detachment without mentioning Retinoschisis to me and calls in a retina specialist from the same hospital to check my retina.
He wrote to my medical records “schisis or detachment?” “will have retina eval today”, but I was in the dark about retinoschisis until I requested my medical records more than two years later.

12/21/2012: When I ask the retina specialist “What did you find?”, he answers “It’s hard to explain, you have these splits and these holes, sometimes something happens , sometimes nothing happens, we need to monitor it because “if the macula comes off”, “when the macula comes off”. “if the macula comes off”. He would only scare me about a macula off detachment but he never mentioned Retinoschisis to me. But this is what he wrote to the medical records:

“Retinoschisis stable”

He wants to see me in a month but I come back almost two years later on 05/05/2014

05/05/2014: I come back to follow up on the “see your retinoschisis next month” scheduled on 12/21/2012

I ask how is my right eye (the eye with the “problem”) and he says “still okay”
then I say, “how about the left eye”, he says: “the left eye it’s okay”

More than two years later, When I requested my medical records I realized that, while telling me, “your left eye is okay”, this is what he wrote to the medical records:
“This is a 46 year male, he came to monitor his lattice degeneration in both eyes”. He wrote five diseases to the medical records but did not disclose verbally to me any of them:
"PVD", "CHRPE", "Retinoschisis", "Lattice Degeneration" and "Dystrophies involving the retinal pigment"

in page 5 he writes:
“Retinoschisis stable”

02/17/2015: Because of an insurance change, I visited a new optometrist who also pops the question: “Do you want me to check your retina?”
I say “yes, I have already had three doctors always telling me there is something there”.

After checking my retina, she panics and tells me “oh my god, your retina, hurry”, “it’s bad” and hands me a note for the doctor saying “Vitreous Hemorrhage”

When I go see the retina doctor, he tells me, “It’s not blood, it’s worse. I “think” is detaching, I am not sure if you require surgery, but I will schedule it for Tuesday and I will re-eval Monday.”

He had been monitoring my retina for more than two years but he never told me that what he was monitoring was a retinoschisis.

Below is his entry for 02/18/2015 where he does not mention any detachment or break

Notice he clearly writes “OU” which means both eyes “No holes/break/tears/RD on repeat depressed exam.”

“retinoschisis of questionable progression”
“appears a slight bit progressed since previous photos”
“suggesting possible combined RD/schisis”
“Patient denies changes in vision” (I told him my vision was better than ever)
“Will reeval Monday to see if changing at all”
‘Discussed possible need for surgery”
“and he understands”

I come back on Monday without a second opinion hypnotized by the “I am not sure if you require surgery” in just four days, suddenly, he sees a detachment and a break, see below:

After his “will eval Monday to see if moving”, he evaluates Monday and while turning his back on me exclaims: “yeah, it's detaching, we will have surgery tomorrow”.
Two months later the surgery failed with PVR (proliferative vitreoretinopathy). This course of events follows the information presented in the article from N. E. Byer, who says that treating an asymptomatic retinoschisis is a recipe for PVR.

When I read my medical records—too late—I learned that instead of signing for a “retinal detachment surgery” I had signed for a retinoschisis of “questionable progression” that was a “slight bit progressed”.  I realized that my informed consent rights had been violated as the doctor never mentioned retinoschisis (my real diagnosis) to me.

Even after I had no symptoms at all—no floater, no flash, no shadow, and improved vision—this doctor coerced me into agreeing to this surgery by never mentioning to me retinoschisis.

My civil right to know my diagnosis, and my rights to have the important information I needed to decide if I would accept treatment were violated. I need to tell the world that they risk the same if they sign a consent for surgery without reading their medical records.

When I requested the digital photos to have another doctor verify “the slight bit progressed compared to previous photos”, I got the following answer:

You saw on the first page that retinoschisis happens in 7% of normal people. It is common, yet you did not know and almost nobody else knows. Please use my experience to help save 7% of the world's eyes by liking and sharing this page.


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